Getting the right finish
Maintaining your board
The cutting or charcuterie board made especially for you is finished in a very specific way. Once final sanding is completed, we dip your board in a food safe mineral oil bath. It rests in the oil for 1-2 hours, then the surface is wiped dry. Finally, we apply a coating of Cutting Board Finish by wiping a coat on, letting it sink in for 30 minutes, then wiping it off. This is final step is how you should care for your board going forward.
We find this method extends the life of the board and keeps it in good shape for your daily use.
Maintaining your new board
Cutting Board Finish
Apply the Cutting Board Finish in a thin coat. Let it sit for 30 minutes, then wipe it clean. It’s now ready for use!
One 4 oz. can of Cutting Board Finish is provided with each board. Additional cans are available in our Shop section.